View Profile AbsurdRandomness

Age 30, Female



Joined on 2/22/06

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AbsurdRandomness's News

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - July 15th, 2014

He moved closer to the door. He didn't know what lay on the other side. But this time he wasn't scared to open it. He approached the doorknob, grabbed it, and twisted the door open. On the other side was blackness. He walked inside and felt for a wall to find a switch, but no wall existed. Taking this path meant either oblivion, or untold treasure.

The door closed behind him. It was pitch dark. He could only move forward for the door behind him had disappeared. He ventured on. For hours he walked in solitude and desolation. He moved no closer to a destination and no further from where he began. He just existed. It was a lonely, meaningless walk.

Finally, he heard a sound. It called out his name. He turned, his eyes scanning for light. But he couldn't see a thing. Again, he heard his name called. He turned to the direction of the voice and followed it. The voice did not come often, but an occasional reminder that there was someone there kept him from collapsing and accepting the darkness as his new eternal grave. He followed the voice. Its calls had no pattern. It would say his name twice in a minute and then go silent for a day. But in that direction he walked. He felt it was his way out of the darkness.


Posted by AbsurdRandomness - July 22nd, 2009


Posted by AbsurdRandomness - May 11th, 2009

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - December 6th, 2008

My best friend in grad school was a guy named David Smith. As average a guy as there ever was.

He maintained about a 3.2 GPA, he would have a few drinks but never got off-kilter drunk, he had a steady girlfriend, played a few recreational sports and occasionally volunteered for community service. Like I said, as average as a guy could be. Even his name was average. Dave Smith.

Well, after graduation Dave and I parted ways to pursue our careers. He and his girlfriend decided it would be best if they did the same. As far as I know they were stil friends until it happened. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

This story isn't about an average guy with an average life. Well, actually it is. But it's also about what happened to this average guy with an average life. Dave was average, what happened was, well, I'll explain as I tell the story.

Dave had a degree in law and started work at some law firm in Maine shortly after graduation. Preti Flaherty, I think. I don't think that's too average, when we got in touch shortly after settling into our new lives post-grad he seemed pretty excited about it, like he was given a big opportunity.

So yeah, nice above average income, single, living in Maine, working at a law firm. House in the suburbs, working on a country club membership, living a comfortable life. That was enough to keep Dave happy. Though, it wasn't to last.

He called me a few months after we last talked but he didn't seem his normal self. He had been complaining about strange headaches and lost time. He had been to various doctors and had numerous examinations, but they couldn't find anything wrong with him. He kept having headaches and periods of lost time, none of the treatments he recieved had any effect.

Naturally, he was getting stressed. I guess being hired by this law firm turned on the switch inside him and he really started burning the midnight oil. Dave was being groomed to be made full partner in short order. The boss had introduced Dave to his daughter. He was a popular member of the country club and a mover and shaker in his town's politics.

But his life was falling apart. He missed work unexpectedly, waking up on the kitchen floor or in the basement, his last memory being several hours ago. He withdrew from social life as the stress of his condition weighed on his psyche.

He confessed that he hadn't been in to work for over three weeks. He hadn't answered the phone in just as long. The pounding on his front door went ignored. He never left his house unless he needed to buy food or do... other things I couldn't get him to comment on.

He upruptly hangs up in the middle of the conversation.

fast forward another three months. I've tried calling him several times but he never answers the phone. I call his ex-girlfriend and ask if she's heard from him. She hasn't. He hasn't spoken to her in over six months. He hasn't answered or returned any of her phone calls. No contact.

Dave calls me out of the blue, without warning, and asks me to come meet him at a bar in Augusta, Maine. He's obviously desperate and scared and I haven't heard from him in so long, so of course I agree. He wires me money for a plane ticket and I take some personal days at work for a, "family emergency." I've known Dave for over six years, the guy is as close to family as he can get.

When I get to the bar around midnight, Dave is sitting in a corner booth, wearing a trench coat and a detective's hat (fedora I think). He waves me over and I sit down, immediately stunned by the face of my best college friend. His hair was long and dirty, face gaunt, like he hadn't eaten in a year, with about two week's worth of facial hair thrown in. He probably hadn't showered in a month, but thankfully the smoke in the bar masked what I'm sure was a ripe odor of wet armpit and sweaty underwear.

Still, this guy was my best friend. I was concerned for him. To let himself go this much means he's really in trouble, I wanted to help him. That's what friends do, right?

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off before I could make a sound. It was hard to understand him, his words were mumbled and he spoke way too fast. I managed to catch most of it, about him giving up on the doctors, withdrawing from social life completely, installing a CCTV system in his home to record his lost time, etc. Midway through the conversation he passes me a small envelope without so much as a pause in speech.

The one-sided conversation went on for a few more minutes, it was really hard to follow and I missed a lot of the details. I almost wish I brought a tape recorder so I could make more sense of it. After he finished rambling coherently and incoherently, he stands and tells me to wait half an hour before leaving. He walks out the door with an awkward gait, as if his feet were injured. About ten minutes later I hear a massive explosion that shatters some of the windows in the bar. I was sitting far in the back, so none of it hit me, but a few people had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance.

I don't leave the bar until the half an hour had passed. When I exit, I see Dave's Geo Metro (that he drove in college) still smoldering, a charred husk of twisted black metal. I avoid the police investigator who arrived on the scene and get into my car where I open the envelope. Inside was a key and a note scribbled in blue ink:

"Sorry. I'm so sorry. You're the only one I can trust, the oldest memory I have. Who else can I ask?

This is a key to my house. Take it and go inside, get the tapes (you know the ones). They're under my bed in a few shoeboxes.

I don't want to do this to you. I don't want to ask this of you...but I'm almost out of time, man. Get the tapes and take them.

You know, I never watched them? Too scared. I don't really want to know what's on them... Well, I do know, but I don't want to see it.

Watch them. Then decide what to do.

I'm sorry for this again,


PS: The place is a mess, I haven't been there in two months. I won't go back."

Naturally, I go to Dave's house and retrieve the tapes. There are thirty-two of them, sixteen pairs (he had two cameras connected to VCRs both on the first floor). The labels noted each pair as having about 24 hours of footage, but they were all dated non-consecutively. There was a six week span between the first and last pair.

I bought a VCR and brought the tapes to a motel to watch them.

I wish I hadn't watched them. God. I still can't sleep a whole night without waking up in shock.

The first two tapes were mostly footage of Dave walking around his house, mumbling to himself, pacing nervously, etc. I fastforwarded thorugh most of it until something odd occured: Dave doubled over in pain, holding his head. I resumed play as I watched him collapse to the floor, shuddering like he was having a seizure.

This attack, or fit, or whatever you wish to call it, only lasted a moment before he seemed to regain composure and push himself to his feet, back to the camera. He stood still for a good five minutes, so still it looked like he was holding his breath. Just when I was about to start fastforwarding again, the screen flickered with static. It was no more than a second, but when the image was restored Dave was just staring into the camera, less than six inches from it. Just staring it down, I felt like his eyes were piercing through me. He never blinked, just stared. There was no life in his eyes, it was if he was catatonic.

Just when I was about to fast forward again (because this was quite honestly, very unsettling) he takes a deep breath and just screams his lungs out into the camera. Thankfully there was no sound, but just looking into his face was enough to scare me half to death. The most contorted look of rage and anguish twisted his features as he emptied his lungs into the camera, screaming over and over again. I wanted to look away or turn it off, but I couldn't. He just kept screaming, screaming, screaming.

Several minutes passed before he stopped shrieking at the camera. Immediately after his screams ended, he collapsed to the floor. Thirty minutes later he stood up, shivering and hugging himself. He looked into the camera again and it was obvious he wasn't aware of what he was doing for the past several minutes. The rest of the tape (and its pair) were like this, as well. Dave would pass out and then, as if possessed, carry out some self-destructive, psychotic, disturbed, deviant or perverse behavior.

As time passed and I watched more of the tapes, progressing through his recorded history, the self-abuse grew worse. He would claw his skin with his fingernails, scratching his flesh raw and drawing blood. He slammed the side of his head into the wall, or punched himself in the temple as fiercely as he could. He struck both feet several times with a hammer and while gnawing on his other forearm. Of course, it wasn't Dave doing this to himself purposefully, something was making him do it. But I couldn't figure it out. This is the first time I had seen anything like this. My best friend was being destroyed by his own body against his will.

The final tape gave me part of the answer. In the last hour of footage, Dave was in the middle of the most intense and abusive attack yet, I was practically in tears watching him thrash violently, helplessly. The last several minutes of this attack were spent with his face extremely close to the camera, all you could see was his mouth as he repeated the same phrase over and over again.

At first, I thought it was nonsense or gibberish because I couldn't read his lips, but when I rewound the tape I realized he was actually speaking (or mouthing) a phrase in complete reverse. Slowly rewinding the tape allowed me to partially decipher the message:

"I've know it. It's hidden in the walls. It's hidden behind my vision. But why can't I stop it?"

Was this a singular lucid moment in one of Dave's attacks? Or just some effect of pareidolia that tricked me into believing there was an actual message in a stream of random lip movements? Well, because I fast-forwarded through the majority of the tapes, watching them only took about twelve hours. I started mid-morning, and it would be dark soon. I had his house key, and I was going to figure out what he meant by, "Behind the walls. Behind my vision."

I stopped at a 24-hour supermarket before going to his house. I bought a sledgehammer, battery powered lanterns, work gloves and safety goggles. It was well past sunset when I made it to his house with my supplies and got to work. I'm not sure what I was expecting to find there, but what I discovered was beyond belief.

When I smashed open a wall, I found inside, not studs and boards, but a complicated series of tubes or pipes interwoven with what appeared to be radiator or heatsink fins. The entire pipework was made from a pale-copper colored material and when I held my head close to it, I could hear it humming softly, as if vibrating, or even singing. It made me sick to my stomach if I listened too long. I swear I could almost make-out voices in the hum.

As I opened other walls I found similar structures, it was if the very framework of his house was this strange transmission device. The devices were really impossible to describe in any other way. I ran out to my car to retrieve a disposable camera and snap some photos before breaking open more walls to reveal even more metallic structure.

Then I remembered something else he said, "Hidden behind my vision." Either he believed he had some form of implant in his brain, or, the only other thing I could think of, was more machinery behind the mirrors in his house. Come to think of it, during one of his attacks he had gathered all the hanging mirrors in his house and screamed into them for several minutes each.

All of the hanging mirrors in his house were missing, he only had two mirrors permanently fixed to the wall. I smashed one open and found another strange machine, but different than the tubing behind the walls. Behind the mirror was a combination of video cameras and LCD displays that were repeatedly flashing horrific images of humans engaged in self-mutilating behavior. The cameras seem to come to a focus on me after a moment, I rushed out of the room and out of the house.

I retrieved a spare can of gas from my rental car's trunk and splashed the inside of the house with fuel, tossing the half-empty cannister into a hall when I was satisfied. I lit a match and left. I was long by the time the house had burned to the ground.

When I stopped at the motel to retrieve the tapes, I found my room ransacked. The tapes were gone, the VHS was gone, and the motel owner refused to acknowledge that he had ever seen me before. Needless to say, I rushed to the airport and bought a new ticket (to hell with wasting the few hundred dollars on my round trip return that was three days later) and flew back home to Seattle.

It took me weeks before I could relax in my own home. The photos I took of the stuff in Dave's walls didn't develop properly. The tapes were gone. My friend was dead. I have no idea what happened to make him so sick.

Two years later I worked up enough courage to go back to Maine and do some more snooping around. It turns out that the three previous owners of that house (all single males) vanished without a trace after only living there for about a year. It had been five years since the house was built. While letting this sink in, I drove through Dave's old neighborhood and nearly ran off the road when I saw it.

His house. Standing there. Just like it was when I first saw it. Except there was something different, this time.

There was a man and his two sons, washing their car in the driveway, while a woman tended the flower beds out front. I stopped and asked them how long they had been living there and when their house was built. The man's answer sickened me.

"We've been here two months. This house was built five years ago."

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - October 31st, 2008

/* */

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - October 14th, 2008

Okay NG... here goes. I'm not going to spread fake bullshit to you like an attention-whoring little faggot, so if you're expecting story-time or copy-pasta... look elsewhere, which is pretty retarded, to be quite frank. The past month now has left me permanently traumatized, and since then i've been fucked up. The scenarios that took place were mild at best, but I've always been a little pussy about the paranormal, and old men stalking me in my apartment... I just need to let my shit out somewhere.

Okay look, my parents kicked me out of the house a few months ago when my brother found my weed stash and ratted me out. I wasn't really shocked by their initally harsh reaction, because they'd consistently warned me they would do this if they ever caught me doing drugs of any sort (including cigarettes). So they havent totally neglected me, they didn't just throw me out into the streets. They sent me money to find an apartment of my own, they supported me all the way, basically. You'd think they totally forgot about the circumstances that led to all of this in the first place because of how cool they seemed to react. Well when I first walked into the apartment, the very first thing I noticed is that it was really, REALLY cold. Cold as death would be the proper term to use, but that's something I use for bullshit creepypasta. I spent the day unpacking my things and checking the place out, you know, to make good use of my day off from work, got to know the residents of the apartment building. I was actually having a good time, to be completely honest, as I always thought living alone would be a hellish experience. Well it soon, REALLY fucking soon turned into one.

About a week after moving in, learning everyones name, decorating my apartment with movie posters, and my parents stop calling and sending me money and stuff, I literally woke up one morning and found a deep cut inside my hand, between my index and middle finger. There were several droplets of blood on the floor. Yes, i know itseems like OP is descending into bullshit, but just read on. I assumed that maybe something had fallen off the bedside cabinet and had struck my hand, but there was nothing on the floor. I tried to remember any violent activity last night, but all I did really was finish up some school work and watched a movie. I looked around the room for something that could've cut through my hand like that, and when I couldnt find anything I just gave up. But I didn't just pass it off, no, from that point on, I felt a strange presence in the apartment room. It didn't help things out when I woke up one night to the sound of a man COUGHING IN MY FUCKING KITCHEN.

That's right, you read that correctly. I didn't even open my eyes when I heard it, I just listened to him cough loudly from my bedroom, and that was it. I pretended to be asleep because, well, if whatever it was knew I was awake, i feared it'd walk in and cough blood on me and kill me or something. I realize it's irrational to think that, but it's also pretty irrational to hear some cocksucker roaming about in my apartment in the middle of the night while I'm half-asleep.

The next day I obviously just assumed I dreamt the mysterious coughing man, but I knew deep inside my subconscious that I hadn't. Average horror movie cliche, eh? I contemplated moving out of my apartment, because I started having serious sleeping problems. I would need to sleep with my light on and a knife beneath my pillow, or else I wouldn't fall asleep at all. My electricity bill suffered for that, of course, but at least it temporarily cured my insomnia. and by temporarily, I mean that I literally heard my bedroom door open one night as I slept with my light on, and some asshole reach inside and flip off my fucking light switch. He didn't have the decency to close the door, fucking ghost. I took the knife out from under my pillow, and clenching it tight I yelled "who's there?", and then I heard footsteps nearing closer to my room before stopping, and I saw a hand reach in and turn on my light and walk out.

I thought some fucker was playing games with me now, so I got out of bed and fully opened the door and looked around the apartment room for this flaming cocksucker. I couldn't find him, so like a little pussy I said aloud "I have a gun, asswipe. Show yourself". Of course he stayed in hiding. I called the police soon afterwards, and they arrived in like 30 minutes, searched the place, and questioned me for a long time before accusing me of simply hallucinating. I didn't blame them -- if some dumbass called me about a guy who flicked on his light-switch, I'd immediately hang up on him.

Anyways, when the cops finally left the apartment building, that same night when I managed to fall asleep, I had a nightmare that just FUCKED me up. I found myself back in that same night when i heard the man cough, and in the dream I walked to the kitchen where I had heard him coming from that night, and there stood a bald man wearing a white shirt and boxer shorts looking to the ground and coughing out blood. He turned up and looked up me suddenly, and his expression went blank. I was literally paralyzed with fear as he stared at me. When I'd watch those horror movies, I'd always think "RUN YOU FUCKING BASTARD" to the asshole who's just standing there as the killer mutilates his half-sister's boyfriend, but there's no way I'd risk turning my back on a potential demonic being, and no way would I reveal to him my fear, and let him start chasing after me while turned towards him.

He turned away from me after an awkward 30 seconds, and he walked towards my room and laid down in my bed. I was still standing in the kitchen staring intently, watching that fat motherfucker lay down in MY bed, and suddenly my bedroom door closed as he lay spasming out of control, and I woke up.

That same day, I heard that my neighbor had had a heart attack in bed. I wasn't in the correct mindset to think "coincidence", so instead I thought WHAT THE FUCK and without hesitation, I paid my rent and got my ass permanently out of the apartment. I packed my things up quickly, leaving behind some unimportant shit, but when I was trying to drive away, I felt that eery presence of demise in the car with me... was the man in the car with me? Was he behind my seat, ready to slit my throat at the next light. Hysterical at this point, I hit the breaks in the middle of the road, hopefully causing that "demonic figure" to lose its balance or whatever. I remember thinking I wasn't about to die there, not then, fuck that shit. I parked the car, leaped out of it, and started walking. Just started walking and walking and walking for over an hour, until I was lost, miles away from my apartment building, and had to call my mom from a pay phone to pick me up.

My car had obviously been tolled from where I left it parked, but I was not very concerned about it at the moment. She was pulling up on the apartment building, about to drop me off at that hell-hole, and I just started crying, right then and there like a little fucking pussy. I didn't tell her I was scared of the evil boogeyman, but rather I apologized to her about the weed in between sobs. I wasn't embarassed at all about my crying, I only wanted to get rid of that ominous presence I felt everywhere I went, that a man from an alternate dimension was going to slit my throat, or cut off my hand, or send me to a prison where I shall spend eternity crying and begging to be released. I finally got to my parents house, and I hugged my sisters and brother and family as a whole, as it had been weeks since I last saw them in person. We all ate dinner together and my dad teased me about how "reality is tough, aint it?" Honestly, I was handling things well financially, but yes, reality did fucking suck.

That night, sleeping in my old room, the presence was gone. I rejoiced, finally feeling safe for the first time in quite awhile. Today I type this from my parents house, and I intend to stay here in this house until I forget my stay at that fucking apartment room, with old men coughing in my kitchen, cutting my hand at night, flicking my light switch off, and haunting me in my sleep. I realize now it's irrational to think it was a paranormal being, that it's "obvious" that a man was terrorizing me at night. Both scenarios are pretty fucking creepy, though.

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - October 10th, 2008

(7:58 PM) Absyrd: HOLY SHIT
(7:59 PM) my name is rober: you accidentaly what?
(7:59 PM) Absyrd: a coke bottle
(7:59 PM) Absyrd: seriously
(7:59 PM) Absyrd: omfg help
(7:59 PM) my name is rober: how can i?
(7:59 PM) my name is rober: i don't know what happened to you that involved a coca cola bottle
(7:59 PM) Absyrd: ACCIDENTALLY
(8:00 PM) my name is rober: what did you do?
(8:00 PM) my name is rober: what fake story are you trying to do this time?
(8:00 PM) Absyrd: look, there's a coke bottle
(8:00 PM) Absyrd: right?
(8:00 PM) Absyrd: and i
(8:00 PM) Absyrd: ACCIDENTALLY
(8:00 PM) Absyrd: the coca cola bottle
(8:00 PM) Absyrd: is it that hard to understand?
(8:00 PM) my name is rober: yes
(8:01 PM) my name is rober: there is no verb in that sentence
(8:01 PM) my name is rober: you are not forming a coherent thought
(8:01 PM) Absyrd: HOLY SHIT, im looking it up online
(8:01 PM) Absyrd: people have gone to the hospital for it
(8:01 PM) my name is rober: for WHAT, dare i ask?
(8:01 PM) my name is rober: what fake injury have you made?
(8:01 PM) Absyrd: the COCA COLA BOTTLE
(8:02 PM) my name is rober: what happened to you that involved a coca cola bottle?
(8:02 PM) my name is rober: did u swallow it?
(8:02 PM) Absyrd: nooo
(8:02 PM) Absyrd: look, i had it in my hand
(8:02 PM) Absyrd: i had the coke bottle in my hand
(8:02 PM) Absyrd: and i
(8:02 PM) Absyrd: accidentally
(8:02 PM) Absyrd: the coca cola bottle
(8:03 PM) my name is rober: here's what you're saying
(8:03 PM) my name is rober: "i accidentally the coca cola bottle"
(8:03 PM) my name is rober: where's the verb that says what you did?
(8:03 PM) my name is rober: that sentence is the same as
(8:03 PM) my name is rober: "i disaster movie last week"
(8:04 PM) Absyrd: HOLY SHIT HELP
(8:04 PM) Absyrd: IT'S GETTING WORSE
(8:05 PM) my name is rober: well what did you ACCIDENTALLY do with the coke bottle?
(8:05 PM) Absyrd: ill try to explain it like a normal human being
(8:05 PM) Absyrd: i had the coca cola bottle from last week when i ordered pizza
(8:05 PM) Absyrd: and when i took it out and opened it
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: i accidentally
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: the whole bottle
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: of coke
(8:06 PM) my name is rober: again, i will say this
(8:06 PM) Because was added to this conversation. Handwriting is no longer supported because not all participants can view handwritten messages. Handwritten messages will be sent as text.
(8:06 PM) my name is rober: where's the fucking VERB
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: because
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: help
(8:06 PM) Because: btw when name says my gamertag
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: Because, i accidentally a whole bottle of coke
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: seriously
(8:06 PM) Absyrd: im not kidding
(8:08 PM) my name is rober: absurd, stop leaving out what you did with the coke bottle
(8:08 PM) my name is rober: and tell what u did
(8:09 PM) my name is rober: with a coke bottle
(8:09 PM) Absyrd: its getting worse omgg
(8:09 PM) Because has removed his/her personal message
(8:09 PM) Christopher has been added to the conversation.
(8:09 PM) Absyrd: chris
(8:09 PM) Absyrd: omfg
(8:09 PM) Absyrd: i accidentally a whole bottle of coke
(8:10 PM) Christopher: OMG NO
(8:10 PM) Christopher: NOT ACCIDENTALLY A WHOLE?
(8:10 PM) Absyrd: SERIOUSLY
(8:10 PM) Absyrd: LIKE
(8:10 PM) Absyrd: i opened the bottle
(8:10 PM) Absyrd: and i accidentally the ENTIRE THING
(8:10 PM) Absyrd: LIKE
(8:10 PM) Absyrd: LITERALLY
(8:10 PM) my name is rober: wow.... someone actually speaks your language, absurd
(8:10 PM) Because has left the conversation.
(8:10 PM) Christopher: HOLY SHIT
(8:10 PM) Christopher: Have you gone to see the vetenarian?
(8:11 PM) Absyrd: wtf...
(8:11 PM) Absyrd: why?
(8:11 PM) Absyrd: why would i need to go to a vet
(8:12 PM) Christopher: Why not?
(8:12 PM) Absyrd: i hope you're kidding
(8:12 PM) Absyrd: because like
(8:12 PM) Absyrd: the entire thing
(8:12 PM) Absyrd: I accidentally
(8:12 PM) Absyrd: so
(8:12 PM) Christopher: I KNOW
(8:13 PM) Christopher: But seriously, vets are profesionals at that dealing you accidentally.
(8:13 PM) Christopher: They get that shit all the time.
(8:13 PM) my name is rober: either a vet or one of those doctors that their hand up your ass
(8:14 PM) Christopher: Robert, may I call you Roberto?
(8:14 PM) Christopher: Roberto, have you ever felt the warmth of man's hand carresing your leg?
(8:14 PM) my name is rober: no
(8:14 PM) Christopher: That's what I thought.
(8:15 PM) Christopher: So why are you speaking when unspoken to?
(8:15 PM) my name is rober: i'm just trying to offer suggestions
(8:15 PM) Christopher: Hold on, let me get my deck of cards.
(8:15 PM) my name is rober: to help absurd, but unfortunately
(8:15 PM) Christopher: Ah, here we go.
(8:15 PM) my name is rober: he's not saying what's wrong
(8:15 PM) Christopher: SHUT THE HELL UP.
(8:15 PM) my name is rober: wait, do i know you?
(8:15 PM) my name is rober: have we ever talked before?
(8:15 PM) Christopher: You're ignoring the shut the hell card.
(8:16 PM) my name is rober: likem absurd just randomly invited you?
(8:16 PM) Christopher: I have known Absurd since the day I came out his womb.
(8:16 PM) my name is rober: yeah, he has definitely invited you to a convo with me in it
(8:17 PM) my name is rober: why else are you talking to me the way u r?
(8:17 PM) my name is rober: outta here

/* */

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - October 4th, 2008

(9:59 PM) Absyrd: OMG
(9:59 PM) Callan : I don't care?
(10:00 PM) Absyrd: it's about the life of George W Bush
(10:00 PM) Absyrd: a satirical biography
(10:00 PM) Absyrd: looks hilarious
(10:01 PM) Callan : I don't care.
(10:01 PM) Absyrd: what a surprise
(10:01 PM) Absyrd: callan doesn't care
(10:01 PM) Absyrd: will definitely make top news story
(10:02 PM) Callan : Choke and die.
(10:02 PM) Absyrd: choke and live
(10:02 PM) Callan : JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.
(10:02 PM) Absyrd: no u
(10:03 PM) Callan : Oh my fucking God.
(10:03 PM) Callan : Just shut up
(10:03 PM) Absyrd: u
(10:03 PM) Callan : I mean it
(10:03 PM) Absyrd: u
(10:03 PM) Callan : Fine. Blocked.
(10:03 PM) Absyrd: u

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - September 13th, 2008

When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:29 PM):
heyy sorry
erik says (8:29 PM):
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:29 PM):
how are you
erik says (8:29 PM):
good u
erik says (8:29 PM):
have pics or can i see yoru cam
* erik is inviting you to start sending webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
* You have accepted the invitation to start sending webcam.
* You have stopped viewing webcam with erik.
erik says (8:30 PM):
erik says (8:30 PM):
where ug o
* erik is inviting you to start sending webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:31 PM):
wanna see a pic of me posing befor rehearsing for play?
erik says (8:31 PM):
* You have declined the invitation to start sending webcam.
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go sends:

erik says (8:31 PM):
love to see you on cam too
* Transfer of "Pasted_Data_3722.jpg" is complete.
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:31 PM):
its kinda ugly but its the best i got on my comp
erik says (8:31 PM):
nice pic
erik says (8:31 PM):
looks like u have fun
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:31 PM):
you really think so?
erik says (8:31 PM):
can i see your cam
erik says (8:32 PM):
yeah nice bum :)
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:32 PM):
that's the nicest thing i've heard anyone say to me
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:32 PM):
im so sorry
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:32 PM):
erik says (8:32 PM):
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:32 PM):
what do u want me to wear
erik says (8:32 PM):
umm thong :)
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:33 PM):
i cant do this. stay online. i was hired to pose as a 13 year old girl on popular chat centers for NBC. you seem like a really nice guy and I can't do this to you.
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:34 PM):
they're trying to trace this conversation but im going to tell them its a hoax
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:34 PM):
its a hoax, right?
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:34 PM):
just say its a hoax
erik says (8:34 PM):
please like i belive u
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:34 PM):
NOTICE TO PARTICIPANT: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP adresses of the participants due to violation of United States federal law. VIOLATION: Solicitation of a minor. IMPORTANT: If you believe this chat to be logged in error, please state your reasons to the F.B.I. Monitoring agent observing this chat and quote reference number 3744956127. failure to do so within the next 2 minutes will result in your IP address being entered in our criminal database and prosecution. Your IP address has been recorded by the Child Internet Service protection Agency. Please wait while ref code 3744956127 is entered into the database.
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:34 PM):
My name is Michael Johan of the FBI's child safety services division. Your IP has been logged and this chat session has been saved as evidence. We have determined you are in violation of offenses pertaining to sexual solicitation of a minor, sexual grooming of a minor, and inciting illicit acts with a minor. A warrant for your arrest will be issued for these offenses.
erik says (8:35 PM):
thats fine since i am underage so
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:35 PM):
How old are you, Erik?
erik says (8:35 PM):
erik says (8:35 PM):
lot of gigrls like older guys
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:36 PM):
i have seen through ur clever ruse
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:36 PM):
* You have invited erik to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.
* erik has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam.
erik says (8:36 PM):
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:37 PM):
erik says (8:37 PM):
erik says (8:38 PM):
k wree u
erik says (8:38 PM):
were u
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:38 PM):

When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:40 PM):
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:40 PM):
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:40 PM):
erik says (8:40 PM):
m or f?
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:40 PM):
erik says (8:41 PM):
how old r u
When love casts its spell, there's no letting go says (8:41 PM):

Posted by AbsurdRandomness - September 13th, 2008


(3:31 PM) basse: hi
(3:31 PM) lindsey hehe: hii
(3:31 PM) basse: dad here
(3:31 PM) lindsey hehe: i no
(3:32 PM) basse: so ur momthinks ur a slut ?
(3:32 PM) lindsey hehe: noo she thinks that everything i do is like being slutty
(3:32 PM) basse: ok
(3:32 PM) lindsey hehe: if i wear my shorts to tight or too short she thinks its slutty
(3:32 PM) lindsey hehe: like wth
(3:32 PM) basse: we keep this a secret ?
(3:33 PM) lindsey hehe: ya
(3:33 PM) lindsey hehe: why
(3:33 PM) basse: i could get locked up i'm kinda old
(3:34 PM) lindsey hehe: u cant get locked up for talking to me
(3:34 PM) basse: some people dont like older men to talk with young girls
(3:35 PM) lindsey hehe: 33 is not that old
(3:35 PM) lindsey hehe: my dads 10 yrs oldr
(3:35 PM) basse: i'm glad u think so
(3:35 PM) basse: i'd love to see u slutty
(3:36 PM) lindsey hehe: hehe
(3:36 PM) lindsey hehe: i took a cupple pics
(3:36 PM) basse: girls in thong arenice
(3:36 PM) basse: would u send some ?
(3:37 PM) basse: i'll send u my cock
(3:37 PM) lindsey hehe: ok but first i gotta tell you that if you try to keylog me ill send my boyfriends dad after you he traced the last guy
(3:37 PM) basse: keylog ???
(3:37 PM) basse: what is that ?
(3:37 PM) lindsey hehe: thats when you put a virus on my computer that lets u see eveyrthing i do
(3:37 PM) lindsey hehe: the last guy did it to me
(3:38 PM) basse: i wouldent do that
(3:38 PM) lindsey hehe: ok i trust u
(3:38 PM) lindsey hehe: but still im kinda paranoid
(3:38 PM) basse: if u want to show me what ur doing it is up to u
(3:39 PM) lindsey hehe: i will
(3:39 PM) lindsey hehe: i gotta find the pic tho
(3:39 PM) lindsey hehe: i hid it in my comp so my parents dont find it
(3:39 PM) basse: i'd love to see u play on cam sometime
(3:39 PM) basse: u promise not to show anyone the pics i send u ?
(3:40 PM) lindsey hehe: ok
(3:40 PM) lindsey hehe: hold on though im having trouble looking for this pic
(3:40 PM) lindsey hehe: ill find it
(3:40 PM) basse: ok
(3:41 PM) lindsey hehe: sorry
(3:41 PM) lindsey hehe: ill keep looking
(3:41 PM) basse: please
(3:42 PM) basse: u dont want the pic i send ?
(3:42 PM) lindsey hehe: u send it then
(3:43 PM) basse: Initiated a file transfer
(3:43 PM) basse: i did sweety
(3:43 PM) lindsey hehe: can u link it somewhere im afraid of virus
(3:43 PM) You have failed to receive file "08062008114.jpg" from basse.
(3:43 PM) basse: i dont have virus i promise
(3:43 PM) lindsey hehe: thats what the last guy said
(3:44 PM) basse: u can kill me if u want
(3:44 PM) lindsey hehe: ok send it i trust u
(3:44 PM) basse: i dont do that to anyone
(3:44 PM) basse: Initiated a file transfer
(3:44 PM) lindsey hehe: but if i get a malware popup ill send my bf's dad over there. the last guy was in finland and he beat him to a pulp i mean it
(3:44 PM) basse: a what ??
(3:44 PM) lindsey hehe: malware means you sent me a keylogger
(3:45 PM) lindsey hehe: but i didnt get one yet
(3:45 PM) lindsey hehe: so ur safe
(3:45 PM) basse: i never do things like that
(3:45 PM) basse: and i have never done it
(3:46 PM) basse: i dont even know how to
(3:46 PM) lindsey hehe: ok i have a pic but its not the thong
(3:46 PM) basse: ok
(3:46 PM) lindsey hehe: its one with my sister
(3:46 PM) basse: ok
(3:47 PM) You have successfully received C:\Users\Absyrd\Documents\My Received Files\08062008114.jpg from basse.
(3:47 PM) lindsey hehe: this was taken last year btw
(3:47 PM) basse: it naughty ?
(3:47 PM) lindsey hehe: no
(3:47 PM) basse: ok
(3:47 PM) lindsey hehe: u want naughty?
(3:47 PM) basse: if u can find some
(3:48 PM) lindsey hehe: ok hold on
(3:48 PM) basse: i'd love to see the one with u and ur sis
(3:49 PM) lindsey hehe: ok i found one but its small do u care
(3:49 PM) basse: it is ok
(3:50 PM) lindsey hehe: ok
(3:51 PM) lindsey hehe: Initiated a file transfer
(3:51 PM) lindsey hehe: hlo
(3:51 PM) basse: i'm waiting
(3:51 PM) basse:
(3:51 PM) lindsey hehe: Initiated a file transfer
(3:51 PM) basse: please send it
(3:51 PM) lindsey hehe: i did
(3:52 PM) lindsey hehe: didnt u get it
(3:52 PM) Transfer of "Pasted_Data_36bc.jpg" is complete.
(3:52 PM) basse: wow
(3:52 PM) lindsey hehe: wuts wrong
(3:52 PM) basse: i love u
(3:52 PM) lindsey hehe: oh thx
(3:52 PM) lindsey hehe: look i need to tell you the truth
(3:52 PM) lindsey hehe: im so sorry
(3:53 PM) basse: what ?
(3:53 PM) lindsey hehe: some fbi guys hired me to do this they told me to get you roused up to fulfill an arrest or somerhing. they said theyve been trying to get at you for weeks
(3:53 PM) lindsey hehe: im so sorry
(3:53 PM) lindsey hehe: NOTICE TO PARTICIPANT: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP adresses of the participants due to violation of United States federal law. VIOLATION: Solicitation of a minor. IMPORTANT: If you believe this chat to be logged in error, please state your reasons to the F.B.I. Monitoring agent observing this chat and quote reference number 3744956127. failure to do so within the next 2 minutes will result in your IP address being entered in our criminal database and prosecution. Your IP address has been recorded by the Child Internet Service protection Agency. Please wait while ref code 3744956127 is entered into the database.
(3:53 PM) lindsey hehe: My name is Michael Johan of the FBI's child safety services division. Your IP has been logged and this chat session has been saved as evidence. We have determined you are in violation of offenses pertaining to sexual solicitation of a minor, sexual grooming of a minor, and inciting illicit acts with a minor. A warrant for your arrest will be issued for these offenses.
(3:53 PM) basse is now Offline